Saturday, August 29, 2015

The Disobedient Daughters Who Married a Skull (Part 1)

By Favour Atser
In a far away village called Alete, there lived a very beautiful girl, born of a great chief. She was disobedient and full of mischief, for good was far from her –she would learn her lesson the hard way. Her name was Kalisa.
Photo culled from the internet
Alete was a prosperous land filled with green trees of all kind, the chiefs and rulers of Alete were wise and of good character, however, not all the people of Alete followed their footsteps.
Kalisa’s parents, Mr and Mrs Chike, wanted Kalisa to marry Dayo.  Dayo was a boy from the southern part of Kogo though his parents weren’t rich, his character amused people.  Dayo’s parents died when he was five so he was an orphan. Kalisa on the other hand did not like people of good character so she refused to marry Dayo.
On a bright Saturday Kalisa went to the market square to by some vegetables, while coming back she saw Chioma her best friend who possessed the same character as her. Chioma told her about a man who just came to the village and how rich  and handsome he was. After hearing all these Kalisa ran back home forgetting to buy the  vegetables .
On getting home she saw Dayo begging for money and she mocked him for not dropping a Kobo. Dayo cried for he felt his life crumbled in  despair.
Kalisa told her parent about the rich man, but, her parents told her not to go to the rich man. Kalisa didn’t listen, she decided to go to the rich man’s house so she sneaked out of the house at night and she went away from her home to the rich man’s house.
When she got there she saw a beautiful mansion made of gold and she saw the rich man outside in a diamond decorated outfit.  Kalisa found out that the rich man’s name is Ekike; she felt comfortable in Ekike house and forgot about her parents. This was because Ekike had casted a spell on her.
Watch out for part 2
Favour Atser is a JSS 2 student from Deeper Life High School, Ibadan



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